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Hafnia Foundation together with the Municipality of Forte dei Marmi and Fondazione Villa Bertelli, presents the exhibition:


Chinese Propaganda Posters 

"Serve the People, China: 

Revolution - Evolution from 1949-1983 "

This exhibit which is presented in Italy for the first time, contemplates one of the largest collections of Chinese propaganda posters in the world. It consists of a selection of posters and original paintings used as a model for printed sheets in the period between 1949 and 1983. The collection which is planned to be exhibited in various cultural spaces around the world, includes 89 posters divided into categories: Society, Industry, Socialism, Paintings, which are also divided into sub-categories to thereby help the viewer to understand its history and creation.


Pursuant to its great historical and political value, the works on display were chosen primarily for their artistic value as evidence of a time and place in which art was seen as a political instrument and subject to government oversight. The posters are made in different artistic styles but predominantly social realism combined with traditional Chinese watercolor.


From March 19th to April 17th, 2016 

Villa Bertelli, Via Giuseppe Mazzini, 200,

Forte dei Marmi LU

Phone: 0584 787251


Tuesday to Friday 11:00 at 19:00
Saturday, 11:00 at 22:00

Sunday, 11:00 at 19:00

hafnia foundation  fundacion hafnia exhibicion  santiago chile
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